10:10 AM - 10:40 AM

How do private investors get their slice of the ESG pie?

Speaker: Jacqueline Jackson, S&P Global
With $93 trillion in revenue and savings linked to the Paris agreement, as well as $12 trillion linked to the SDGs by 2030, ESG investing delivers more than just financial returns for investors. Join Jacqueline Jackson as she explains where some of the most exciting opportunities lie for investors and how you can take advantage of these.

Ben Constable-Maxwell

Richard Stone

11:00 AM

Keynote Speech and Welcome

Live Broadcast from Auditorium
Speaker: Richard Stone, Chief Executive, The Share Centre and Ben Constable-Maxwell, Head of Sustainability and Impact, M&G Investments (Co-sponsors of the Sustainable & Social Investing Conference 2019)

11:35 AM - 11:55 AM

What impact does your investment have on the world around you?

Speaker: George Latham, WHEB Asset Managers
George Latham, WHEB Asset Management, explores the new sustainable investment landscape - and explains how private investors can choose where their investment goes for maximum impact. George discusses how the shape of the global economy is changing and the implications for different sectors and end-markets. For many companies the transition to a low-carbon and sustainable economy represents a threat to future profitability, whilst for those which are enabling and benefitting from the transition, this represents a significant opportunity. Learn how to decide what, and where, you want your investment to count.

12:00 PM - 12:20 PM

Making existing vehicles CO2-free with hydrogen

Speaker: Karl Wagner
H2Century is the first available Hydrogen conversion add-on kit for fossil fuel cars in the world. It offers existing car owners the unique ability to keep their existing vehicles, and convert them to being carbon neutral, aiming to minimise the impacts of two major issues associated with environmental footprints: both transportation, and waste. As a society it is becoming scientifically proven we have no time to waste in utilising innovation today in trying to overreach on zero emissions targets. Speakers at a UN General Assembly in March 2019 said we have only 11 years left to prevent irreversible damage from climate change. Learn how you can become part of a Hydrogen century from founder and CEO Karl Wagner who invented this ground-breaking technology and how he intends to bring this to market.

12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

Impact Investing

Speaker: Ben Constable-Maxwell, M&G
Ben will provide an insight into the world of impact investing and how M&G is aiming to democratise a way of investing that has long been the domain of private markets.

Ben will provide some examples of companies in which the M&G Impact team are investing and how these fulfil the desired objectives of achieving both financial returns for investors as well as measurable positive societal impact.

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM

Combatting Animal Exploitation – the next frontier in impact investing

Speaker: Claire Smith, Beyond Investing
In this presentation, CEO of Beyond Investing and CIO of Beyond Impact Claire Smith will explore how investing to reduce or remove animals from the supply chain has the potential to address many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and provide superior investment returns.

3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Focusing on Returns

Speaker: Gavin Oldham OBE
The big difference between now and 10-15 years ago in sustainable investment is that the economics for a green revolution are starting to make sense. The logic for large scale investment will only make sense if it does, so this seminar looks at some of the areas where returns are starting to come through.